District High School Instrumental Contest
Thank you to Scott Kilian for setting up our 1st Annual District High School Music Contest. On Wednesday February 10th we had 6 performances from 7 local high school students at our meeting. There were 2 performers from Mount Miguel High School, 1 from the Waldorf School and 3 from Patrick Henry Henry High School. The instruments included Flute, Guitar, Ukulele, Clarinet, Trombone & Violin.
Each performer gave a performance using their selected instruments. We had 3 judges from La Mesa Rotary. The winner will go on to perform at an area contest with the winner of the area contest moving on to a District contest.The La Mesa Rotary awarded prizes of $100, $75 and $50 respectively.
Our winner was Jason Hurlbut from the Waldorf School who played an incredible Violin! 2nd place went to Nickalous Nodalo from Mount Miguel on the flute and 3rd place went to the duet of Marina Burkett & Kim Nguyen from Patrick Henry on the Clarinet. This is just another way that the La Mesa Rotary club supports the youth in our community!
You can view a slide show of the perfromers on the website at ww.LaMesaRotary.org.